THE CHALLENGE: Create an app that is designed to keep track of some of the users while also utilizing user interactions and prototyping.
THE SOLUTION: To create a user interface that would help keep track of a pet's needs by having a cohesive system that would provide customizable notifications, calendars, and lists to the user. Users can create profiles for each of their pets, including details such as name, animal type, age, and medical history. Users can also establish a personalized feeding schedule for each pet, with options for meal frequency and portion sizes. I aim to set a neutral and inviting tone through the use of beige and bright pops of colors as well as semi-abstracted animal icons.
AllPaw is a pet tracking app designed to allow the user to keep track of animals' needs, whether that be feeding time, food types, and medication intake.
Made in Spring 2023 
Made in Interaction Design 2
Professor: Erica Holeman
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